Worldcoin Partners With Malaysian Govt For Digital Identity Amid AI Age

Sam Altman’s Worldcoin has once again made global headlines, partnering with the Malaysian government’s applied research and development arm, MIMOS Berhad. As per an official statement revealed today, the two entities are partnering to facilitate digital proof of humanness across Malaysia. Amid the rising adoption of AI-related technologies globally, this mover comes as an effort to “integrate the AI project’s state-of-the-art technology into the country’s digital infrastructure.”,According to an official Worldcoin announcement on X today, August 16, the MIMOS has signed an MoU with the crypto project’s foundation, Tools for Humanity (TFH), and MyEG, a renowned e-government services provider, for the integration of the AI project’s technology into the country’s digital infrastructure.,“The intent of the MoU is to leverage the AI project’s protocol and TFH technologies to improve ongoing and future work related to digital credentials. In doing so, it validates the importance of digital proof of humanness in the age of AI,” the company added in its official release.,Under the MoU, Sam Altman’s AI meets crypto project’s operations in Malaysia will offer individuals access to humanness verifications using top-notch iris imaging technology developed by TFH for the project. This tech is called the World Orb.,Moreover, the partnership will expand into other key areas such as collaborative Orb manufacturing and “bridging World Chain to Malaysia’s national blockchain infrastructure.”,Contrary to the abovementioned development, Worldcoin price dipped 7.67% as of writing to trade at $1.46. The coin’s daily lows and highs were recorded as $1.45 and $1.59, respectively. Notably, WLD’s 24-hour trading volume saw a 34.76% upswing to $101.94 million.,Besides, Coinglass data showcased a 0.38% increase in the token’s futures OI to $127.94 million. Moreover, the derivatives volume spiked 46.63% to $453.70 million today. This data has ignited significant investor enthusiasm surrounding the asset.,Additionally, the AI project recently announced that Safe, a non-custodial smart contract wallet that operates on Ethereum and other EVM blockchains, has been integrated into World Chain, WLD’s native blockchain. This mover solidifies user security on the blockchain.,Overall, Sam Altman‘s AI meets crypto project has made a monumental move by securing the deal with the Malaysian government, paving the way for further opportunities.,

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