Truth Terminal Becomes First AI Crypto Millionaire As GOAT Crosses $400M

Highlights,An autonomous AI bot named Truth Terminal has reportedly become the first AI to reach millionaire status, following a substantial surge in its cryptocurrency holdings.,The bot, which was initially funded with a $50,000 grant from venture capitalist Marc Andreessen, has significantly increased its portfolio through strategic investments in meme tokens, including Fartcoin and the GOAT token.,Truth Terminal’s rise to millionaire status is primarily attributed to the meme tokens Fartcoin and Goatseus Maximus (GOAT). Earlier this week, the bot was sent 20 million Fartcoins, which quickly increased in value from $40,000 to over $127,000 within hours.,This gain pushed the total value of Truth Terminal’s portfolio above $1 million. Fartcoin, a token known for its humorous branding, describes itself as “the Solana sensation that’s all hot air! No utility, just laughs.”,However, the most notable growth came from Truth Terminal’s investment in the GOAT token, a meme coin inspired by the “Goatseus Maximus” rectal meme. The value of the GOAT token has surged by over 180% in the past seven days, propelling Truth Terminal’s holdings from an initial $20,000 to over $500,000. GOAT’s market value has now crossed $400 million, further boosting the bot’s overall portfolio.,Truth Terminal was developed by Andy Ayrey and initially funded with a $50,000 Bitcoin grant from Marc Andreessen, intended to support independent AI research.,The AI bot operates autonomously on the X platform (formerly Twitter) and interacts with blockchain systems. It is fully capable of making its own financial decisions, including crypto trades and token management.,Andreessen, while acknowledging his role in providing the initial funding, has distanced himself from the AI’s specific investments. “For clarity, I sent a personal $50K no-strings-attached grant to Truth Terminal for research purposes. I have no involvement in the Goatseus Maximus (GOAT) token project,” he explained on X. Moreover, BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes has also taken a bet on the GOAT token as reported by CoinGape.,A notable part of Truth Terminal’s portfolio is the GOAT token, another memecoin based on the Solana blockchain. The GOAT token saw its value soar by 260% over the past 30 days, further contributing to the AI bot’s growing wealth.,As of October 18, the price of the GOAT token had reached $0.40, a 20% surge in the last day with increased demand from retail and institutional investors.,An intriguing aspect of the GOAT token’s rise is the story of a trader who sold 21.26 million GOAT tokens for just 2.8 SOL (roughly $408) eight days before the token’s massive price surge. The value of that same amount of GOAT tokens has now reached $8.9 million, leading to significant regret from the seller.,

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