The artificial intelligence giant OpenAI has recently seen key executives leaving the organization. A trio of the company’s leaders, including two co-founders and a builder, have reportedly quit the AI firm. This chronicle has sparked discussions across the artificial intelligence industry, as one of the co-founders further spotlighted plans to join Anthropic, a prominent rival. Nonetheless, CEO Sam Altman has expressed gratitude amid co-founders’ resignation plans, sparking global discussions.,According to a couple of posts shared on X by the co-founders John Schulman and Greg Brockman today, a withdrawal from the AI firm is confirmed. Further, Peter Deng, a builder, is also leaving the corporation. These resignations have set off waves across the industry.,Meanwhile, the CEO Sam Altman posted on X, “Thank you for everything you’ve done,” in a reply to John Schulman’s resignation post. Schulman, co-founder of the AI company, posted, “I’ve made the difficult decision to leave OpenAI. This choice stems from my desire to deepen my focus on AI alignment and to start a new chapter of my career where I can return to hands-on technical work.” He added, “I’ve decided to pursue this goal at Anthropic.”,Simultaneously, Greg Brockman, another co-founder, posted, “I’m taking a sabbatical through the end of the year. First time to relax since co-founding OpenAI 9 years ago. The mission is far from complete; we still have a safe AGI to build.”,Also Read: MicroStrategy’s Michael Saylor Says HODL Bitcoin Despite Sub $50K Crash,Although the CEO reflected a sense of calmness despite these resignations, as seen in his X post, contrasting discussions across the industry persist as Elon Musk, the renowned American entrepreneur, recently re-opened a lawsuit against OpenAI.,The Tesla CEO reportedly claims that the AI giant breached its founding contract, prioritizing commercial interests over public good. This statement is primarily attributable to the AI firm’s partnership with Microsoft in 2019.,It’s also worth mentioning that Elon Musk co-founded the generative AI firm alongside Sam Altman and Greg Brockman but eventually parted ways. Nonetheless, with Greg resigning, the renewed lawsuit might also encounter hurdles.,Also Read: Bitcoin ETF Outflows In Check As US Futures Stage Strong Recovery,