Gaming-focused Layer-1 blockchain Ronin is making its foray into the Layer 2 (L2) ecosystem with the introduction of a zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM).,Ronin, one of the pioneers of Web3.0 gaming which also doubles as the blockchain behind Axie Infinity, has revealed its intention to launch zkEVM.,It is trying to enable the permissionless creation of L2s in its ecosystem. According to Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal, the potential solution will leverage Polygon Chain Development Kit (CDK), a modular open-source software toolkit for blockchain developers to launch new L2 chains on Ethereum (ETH).,,Nailwal is positive that the launch of Ronin zkEVM will be a welcomed development. He said this considering how much the Ethereum community loves Axie Infinity and the Ronin ecosystem.,In a published statement, Ronin highlighted that the offering will provide game developers with the ability to launch their L2 blockchains on Ronin mainnet. Furthermore, it was stated that the new Ronin chains will utilize zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs to welcome more games. This will empower players and ultimately enhance economic freedom.,So far, the Ronin network has displayed a positive sentiment encompassing an increased Total Value Locked (TVL) and an unprecedented price rally. The integration with Polygon CDK and the foray into the burgeoning may usher in the next phase of growth for the blockchain’s ecosystem.,Meanwhile, the use of Polygon CDK is fast becoming a delight in the blockchain industry owing to its advanced developer technology. In December, Polygon announced that Indian e-commerce company Flipkart showed interest in integrating its CDK-deployed L2 chain to boost FireDrops. By utilizing Polygon CDK, developers get to easily design and launch their ZK L2 applications on the Ethereum network.,Shibarium’s rival ShibChain is an Ethereum L2 protocol that is built on Polygon’s CDK. Even as the protocol is growing, the Polygon blockchain is also putting effort into expanding the solution.,Polygon made an intentional effort of shutting off contributions to the Edge framework, also known as Supernets. The protocol decided that it was more inclined towards channeling its resources towards the CDK solution. It may be safe to say this effort is gradually paying off with many projects jumping on the every opportunity to leverage the protocol.,Read More: ZKsync Sees $500M Sell-Off in Tokens Post-Airdrop, Data Reveals,