United States lawmaker, Rep McCormick has introduced a bill to ensure the release of detained Binance executive, Tigran Gambaryan. Gambaryan was arrested in Nigeria and remains in custody after several months. Nigerian authorities accused Binance and its executives of money laundering after previously pointing fingers at affecting the growth of the local currency. ,Rep Rich McCormick disclosed new legislation aimed to secure the release of Tigran Gambaryan. The legislation titled, “Urging the Government of Nigeria to immediately release Binance employee Tigran Gambaryan from imprisonment,” is another effort towards the cause after pressure from the crypto community. ,The legislation has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Last month, two US lawmakers French Hill and Chrissy Houlahan arrived in Nigeria for national security visits and to talk about both country’s efforts toward Nigeria’s war on terrorism. According to the lawmakers, they met the Binance executive, ,“suffering from the conditions there, as he has malaria and double pneumonia, and he reports that he has lost significant weight. Even worse, he’s being denied access to adequate medical attention.”,Meanwhile, Nigerian prison officials have denied reports of Gambaryan’s ill health. Crypto enthusiasts have cited human rights abuses calling on authorities to release Gambaryan to be united with his family. Rep McCormick represents Gambaryans in the State of Georgia. ,This year, the country’s local currency was on a sharp decline losing significant portions of value leading to government officials pointing to the activities of crypto exchanges. They flagged P2P transactions as part of factors against the currency leading to a ban on major digital asset exchanges. Subsequently, Gambaryan and his colleague Nadeem Arjarwalla were detained by the office of the National Security Adviser following a visit to discuss with regulators. ,While Arjarwalla escaped from prison, Gambaryan remains in detention. The FIRS dropped the tax evasion charge against the parties but the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) continues with the money laundering charge. Binance argues for the release of Gambaryan stating that he is not a decision maker in the crypto exchange. ,Also Read: Elon Musk Threatens Lawsuit on Masterminds of X Ad Boycott,