Highlights,Pro-crypto Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz has been nominated by US President Donald Trump to serve as the Attorney General of the United States. Gaetz, a Republican representative known for his strong stance on justice reform and cryptocurrency advocacy, has garnered attention in recent years for his outspoken views on federal oversight and digital currency policies. ,Donald Trump’s nomination of Matt Gaetz underscores his commitment to reshaping the Department of Justice (DOJ) and pushing back against what he calls “weaponized government.”,In a statement, US President Donald Trump described Gaetz as a deeply gifted and tenacious attorney who has dedicated his efforts in Congress to the reform of the Department of Justice. Gaetz has been outspoken in his efforts to reduce what he perceives to be political motivations within the Justice Department and has accused the Biden administration of weaponizing the justice system. ,If confirmed, Gaetz will focus on rebuilding the reputation of the DOJ and restoring its credibility by ensuring the department is more transparent and acts within the law.,President Trump noted that Florida Congressman, Gaetz has been focusing on justice issues while serving in the House Judiciary Committee and overseeing the DOJ. Trump called Gaetz a champion for the Constitution who will ensure the rule of law while working to introduce the changes that are needed.,In addition to his stance on DOJ reform, Matt Gaetz has recently emerged as an advocate for cryptocurrency, proposing legislation to allow federal income taxes to be paid with Bitcoin. His bill was submitted in June and seeks to modify the Internal Revenue Code to allow the U.S. Treasury to accept Bitcoin as a form of tax payment. ,In Gaetz’s opinion, this could ‘lead to more innovation, better efficiencies, and provide more options for Americans.’,The bill would mandate the Treasury secretary to come up with rules for the processing of Bitcoin payments for specific federal taxes. The law outlines that any Bitcoin received would be converted into US dollar as soon as the payment is made. ,His actions are in line with recent trends promoted by Trump to encourage the use of cryptocurrencies and reduce the level of restrictions on the activities of crypto companies.,Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz nomination is part of a wider trend within Trump’s insider circle of supporting cryptocurrency within the United States. Trump has earlier vowed to put an end to Biden’s war on crypto and make cryptocurrencies an essential part of the US economy. To this end, Trump has proposed filling key posts in his administration with crypto supporters, as well as working on the creation of conditions under which the crypto business will be more comfortable.,More pro-crypto figures are said to be under consideration for positions in Trump’s transition team including Howard Lutnick, the CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald as a potential treasury secretary. Crypto advocates see these appointments as an opportunity to end regulatory crackdowns on the industry and establish the U.S. as a global leader in digital finance.,Concurrently, Donald Trump has created a new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), to be led by Tesla CEO Elon Musk and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.,