Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff’s recent remarks in the wake of the Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump saga have scoped in on a very peculiar aspect. Today, the cryptocurrency critic took to X, deeming the Democratic Party Vice President to be one of the potential reasons why the stock market crashed. Moreover, he also spotlighted how the Vice President’s betting odds against Trump are gradually gaining traction.,Meanwhile, the United States saw quite a bustle nationwide following the recent release of recent jobs data post-unchanged interest rates in FOMC.,In a post on X today, August 3, Peter Schiff stated, “Harris is now the betting favorite to win the election. That may also be one of the reasons the Stock Market is now crashing.”,Previously, Peter Schiff rolled out recent market events in a post on X, adding to why a United States might be entering a recession again. The recent data indicating only 114,000 U.S. jobs added in July, falling short of expected 175,000, was one of them. Additionally, the unemployment rate increased to 4.3%, marking the highest since October 2021. These factors, as pointed out by the BTC critic, have sparked concerns nationwide.,Also, in today’s post, it was brought to attention that the Democratic Party member is emerging as the betting favorite primarily due to the nation’s media’s “coordinated campaign.” Further, “the efforts by the media to redefine Harris as a highly competent moderate and Trump and Vance as just plain weird is working,” he added.,It’s worth mentioning that earlier today, the BTC critic also claimed that Ethereum might hit $2K amid ETF outflows.,Also Read: WazirX Hack Update: Exchange Scraps Plan To Distribute Loss Among Users,In the interim, Donald Trump has once again sent tongues wagging nationwide, agreeing to debate with the Democratic Party member after brushing it off numerous times. Reportedly, the Harris vs. Trump debate is set to take place on September 4 and will be hosted by Fox News.,Besides, Polymarket’s data currently shows that U.S. presidential winning odds are 53% in favor of the Republican member, whereas 44% sided with the Democratic Party member. It’s worth mentioning that the odds have gained considerable traction for the vice president in recent days.,Also Read: Bitcoin & Crypto Cheques To Clear $35T US Debt, Donald Trump Says,