Michael Dell, the CEO of Dell Technologies has been talking about Bitcoin (BTC) more frequently than usual.,In his recent X post, Dell was seen asking his followers through a poll what they felt was more important. He named 4 key things including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Bitcoin, Love, and relationships. With the poll, his followers also had the poll to pick none of the above.,Interestingly, Bitcoin received the highest number of votes on the poll. As of the time of this writing, the digital asset had 43% of the total of 61,489 votes. This reflects how enthusiastic Dell’s X followers and other individuals are about cryptocurrencies especially Bitcoin.,,Featuring Bitcoin on the list of options suggest that Dell may actually be getting more interested in the digital asset. This comes only a few days after MicroStrategy founder Michael Saylor tried to tout BTC to the businessman.,A week ago, Dell tweeted about the value of scarcity, which prompted a response from Saylor who emphasized Bitcoin as “Digital Scarcity.” He later reposted Saylor’s comment and shared a meme featuring Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster with Bitcoin.,This further fueled discussions on social media about his possibly more profound interest in digital currencies. Dell’s X post suggest possible alignment with the idea of Bitcoin as a valuable asset due to its limited nature. While his post had a playful tone, it did not fail to raise questions in the hearts of Crypto X members about Dell’s possible newly found interest.,It is worth noting that several institutional investors are gradually adopting a Bitcoin strategy. Even Dell Technologies once adopted Bitcoin as a payment means in 2014.,However, in 2017, low demand forced the company to cease the BTC payments. The digital asset industry has seen a higher Bitcoin demand, evident in the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs which was launched in January. This revival in demand may cause Dell Technologies to venture into investing in BTC once again.,Amongst the many firms with a thriving Bitcoin strategy is Saylor’s MicroStrategy. The company recently scooped additional 11,931 Bitcoins at an average price of approximately $65,883 per Bitcoin. MicroStrategy now holds a total of 226,331 Bitcoins acquired at an average price of $36,798 per BTC, totaling approximately $8.33 billion.,Read More: Spot Bitcoin ETFs Shift Trading Patterns, Volatility Sees Notable Decline,