In a statement on X (formerly Twitter), Tesla CEO Elon Musk declared plans to ban Apple devices from his companies. Musk has expressed security fears regarding Apple’s recent incorporation of OpenAI’s software into its systems. This move has fueled already strained relations between Musk and the tech giant, particularly given that Apple has chosen to integrate ChatGPT into Siri.,Elon Musk expressed his discontent with Apple’s choice to incorporate OpenAI technology in iPhones through X, a social media platform he owns. Musk said, ,This threat can affect employees and operations in SpaceX, Tesla, and X, where Apple devices are commonly used.,Furthermore, Musk suggested some strict precautions, including requiring anyone coming to work to leave their Apple products in a Faraday cage upon entry. This drastic policy highlights the extent of Musk’s concerns over privacy and security after Apple released an update.,Previously, Apple announced it would improve Siri by integrating OpenAI’s ChatGPT, enhancing the AI’s ability to answer queries. This integration enables Siri to forward requests, including documents and photos, to ChatGPT for further processing, which is part of a larger project called Apple Intelligence.,Apple also intends to introduce a “Writing Tools” feature that will enable users to compose new texts and edit existing ones with AI. Apple plans to implement OpenAI’s image generation capabilities to help users create visual content for documents and enhance device interaction.,Musk also deemed Apple as ‘not smart enough’ to build their own AI. Moreover, he raised privacy concerns due to the recent Apple-OpenAI deal. In a post, he wrote, “Apple has no clue what’s actually going on once they hand your data over to OpenAI. They’re selling you down the river.”,The recent developments are part of a continuing complex relationship between Musk and OpenAI, a company he co-founded in 2015. Over the years, Musk has grown increasingly critical of OpenAI, accusing it of straying from its original mission and prioritizing profit over innovation and safety.,His disputes with OpenAI have even led to legal action, with Musk suing the company and its CEO, Sam Altman. Additionally, Musk’s contentious interactions with Apple date back to disputes over the company’s payment policies, although a meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook in 2022 seemed to ease tensions temporarily.,Also Read: Top Layer 2 Cryptos Primed for Explosive Growth On Ethereum Whales Frenzy,