With just four days left into the launch of the spot Ethereum ETF, Grayscale has announced some major changes to its fee structure thereby making its ETH mini-trust the cheapest among its competitors.,Earlier this week, Grayscale announced the Ethereum ETF fee structure at a staggering 2.5% making it 10x more costly than all of its competitors in the market. This move put Grayscale in a bad light with analysts stating that the asset manager hasn’t learnt enough lessons despite outflows from its spot Bitcoin ETFs in the past six months.,As part of this course correction, Grayscale cut short the fees of its Ethereum mini-trust to just 15 basis points. Furthermore, the asset manager has announced a complete fee waiver for up to $2 billion in inflows or six months whichever is early.,,Interestingly, this fee revision makes the Grayscale Ethereum mini-trust the cheapest among all of the ETH ETF issuers currently in the market.,Also Read: Ethereum ETF Launch Doesn’t Guarantee Solana ETF Approval,ETF Store President Nate Geraci has applauded Grayscale for undertaking this strategic shift and competing with other market players. Geraci stated, “Bravo, Grayscale… This is how you go for the jugular.”,Geraci further added that Grayscale has paved the regulatory path for the spot Bitcoin ETF and Ethereum ETFs. Thus, he added that there is no reason not to capitalize on this advantage by taking a leadership position in the spot crypto ETF category.,,The Ethereum price has remained largely stable after rallying all the way up to $3,500 earlier this week. As of press time, ETH is trading around $3,400 as investors cautiously await the ETF launch next week.,As per data from Deribit, Ethereum options with a notional value of $0.48 billion are set to expire today. The put/call ratio is only 0.36 which suggests that the market is majorly bullish. On the other hand, the max pain point stands at $3,150.,Also Read: Is Ethereum ETF Launch “Sell The News” Event Like Bitcoin ETF?,