Cameron Winklevoss, the co-founder of crypto exchange Gemini recently warned that US Vice resident Kamala Harris and her advisors might lure the crypto industry players with false promises in the coming months with a possible “reset” ahead.,Addressing Kamala Harris, the Gemini co-founder urged the US Vice President to take decisive and concrete action in the matter of crypto regulations. Winklevoss said that promises alone won’t be enough to mend the damage done over the past four years. He also warned Harris about the high intelligence in the crypto industry and its resilience against empty promises.,While referring to Donald Trump’s comments at the Bitcoin Conference last weekend, Winklevoss said that the crypto community would not be swayed by rhetoric and would demand tangible actions. The Gemini co-founder demanded that the U.S. Vice President should show her commitment by firing SEC Chair Gary Gensler before November this year. At the Bitcoin Conference, Trump has already vowed to fir Gensler on his Day 1 at the office.,,Also Read: Donald Trump To Fire SEC Chair Gary Gensler On Day 1,Adding further, Custodia Bank founder Caitlin Long that Gensler is just one thorn in the grand of instigators of Operation Choke Point 2.0. She added that Harris should also fire other instigators still working to de-bank other law-abiding crypto firms.,While one faction of the crypto industry is suggesting that the Bitcoin price could hit $100K by the year-end if Donald Trump becomes the next president, the scenario could be different if Harris manages to pull off this election. Market analyst Jonah predicts that Bitcoin price could crash sub 50K if Harris defeats Trump.,,Also Read: Kamala Harris Win Odds Surge To 40% Amid Crypto Shift Talks,