Bitget Launches ‘Pitch n Slay’ Female-Centric Initiative With Up To $100K Funding Opportunities

Highlights,The renowned cryptocurrency exchange Bitget recently revealed a unique female-centric initiative, zeroing in on women entrepreneurs in the blockchain space. As a part of its Blockchain4Her program, the exchange launched its “Pitch n Slay” initiative, offering women-led startups a chance to bag up to $100,00 in funding. This funding, backed by VC Foresight Ventures, garnered significant traction toward the newly launched female-centric program across the broader Web3 space.,Aligning with the crypto exchange’s $10 million ‘Blockchain4Her’ program, the newly launched Pitch n Slay initiative, a pitching competition, comes as an endeavor to aid women entrepreneurs in receiving the “capital, guidance, and exposure necessary to scale their projects.” This initiative sees backing from prominent organizations such as World of Women, Women in Web3, and Bitget Wallet, marking a monumental stride in the industry. Further, the new endeavor also rides the back of partnerships with VC giants Foresight Ventures and Morph Capital.,On the other hand, the crypto exchange revealed that the program aims to offer selected candidates with rigorous mentorship and development aids. The competition commences with an initial pitching round, following which finalists subsequently present their refined projects to a panel of investors and judges on November 15. Moreover, the leading crypto exchange revealed that the finalists will also receive support in key areas such as market strategy, scaling, and technology from industry experts, including Gracy Chen, CEO of Bitget, Taya A, CEO of World of Women, Min Xue, Partner of Foresight Ventures, Tess Hau, Founder of Tess Ventures, among others.,The top 3 winners remain poised to get financial grants as their rewards. The winner will receive $5000, whereas the runner-ups will receive $3000 and $2000, respectively. However, all three will be allowed to pitch their projects to Foresight Ventures, which may result in funding of up to $100K should the deal go through.,Meanwhile, the crypto exchange’s CEO, Gracy Chen, stated, “Bitget is a proudly gender-inclusive organization, with over 45% of our management roles held by women. Through Blockchain4Her, it’s our honor to support women founders with opportunities for exposure, mentorship, and funding. We’ll continue to expand this platform, creating pathways for growth and amplifying women-led startups in Web3.”,Overall, the announcement underscored the exchange’s efforts to offer unbiased opportunities in the blockchain space, further cementing its pioneering position. Meanwhile, the exchange also rolled out Pitch n Slay applications, magnetizing market participants across the globe. In another related development, the firm’s CEO, Gracy Chen, further solidified the exchange’s standing, revealing key aspects behind the platform’s success. The exchange continues to mark strides and enhance offerings with new advancements.,

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