Binance Expands Support For TON, DOGS, JUP, & These Crypto 

Crypto exchange behemoth Binance on Friday issued an important announcement on Toncoin (TON), DOGS, Jupiter (JUP), Algorand (ALGO), Aptos (APT), Arkham (ARKM), Blur (BLUR), SuperRare (RARE), Ontology (ONT), Tensor (TNSR), and Renzo (REZ) crypto. The digital asset exchange pioneer revealed that it is listing new margin trading pairs for the mentioned tokens on its platform today. This announcement has promptly gained significant traction across the broader crypto industry, projecting optimism on the listed tokens’ future movements.,According to an official Binance Margin announcement dated August 30, the exchange is adding new trading pairs for TON, DOGS, and the mentioned crypto on cross and isolated margin. This mover by the leading crypto exchange comes as an effort to enhance user offerings. Moreover, the listing also increases market support for these tokens.,As per the official announcement, the new cross and isolated margin trading pairs included: ALGO/USDC, APT/USDC, ARKM/USDC, BLUR/USDC, DOGS/USDC, JUP/USDC, ONT/USDC, RARE/USDC, REZ/USDC, TNSR/USDC, TON/USDC. With this offering, the exchange “strives to enhance user trading experience by continuously reviewing and expanding the list of trading choices offered on the platform.”,Binance’s crypto listings usually appear to have a positive impact on a digital asset’s price. For context, CoinGape Media reported yesterday that Tranchess (CHESS) price soared nearly 41% upon futures listing on the exchange. Also, VIDT DAO price rocketed following its listing on the CEX. These past chronicles have fueled investor enthusiasm for the abovementioned tokens as new cross and isolated margin pairs launch today.,However, it’s worth noting that the listed tokens also tackle significant volatility today, primarily attributable to the broader market movement. Notably, the crypto market faced significant turbulence recently ahead of a key macro event, the U.S. PCE data.,At press time, a majority of the listed tokens traded dominantly in the red territory, while some traded in the green, sparking contrasting sentiments on Binance’s listing. TON price tanked 3% in the past 24 hours to reach $5.42. Whilst, DOGS price cracked slightly over 9% to trade at $0.001296. Also, JUP price slipped 3% over the past day to reach $0.774.,However, Aptos (APT) price gained 4% to trade at $6.97. Moreover, ALGO price jumped by 0.7% over the past day to $0.129. Besides, ARKM price slipped 4% to trade at $1.07 today, and BLUR price fell 0.7% to $0.1638.,RARE price waned 6% to $0.1706 today, whereas ONT price surged 1% to $0.1689. REZ and TNSR prices dipped 2%-3%, standing at $0.03931 and $0.3189, respectively.,Meanwhile, in an effort to further solidify user appeal with enhanced offerings, the CEX also rolled out new spot trading pairs and trading bots services for DOGS, Pepe Coin (PEPE), Solana (SOL), and other tokens recently. Also, it’s worth mentioning that the exchange today added Self Chain (SLF) to its list of offerings. Starting September 2 at 10 UTC, users can start purchasing SLF on Binance Auto-Invest.,Altogether, the Riched Teng-led exchange has achieved a milestone within the global crypto industry and continues to cement its foothold with new offerings.,

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